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Israel’s and Our Victory – Hassan Nasrallah will not be rejoicing over us (Psalm 30)

Israel’s and Our Victory – Hassan Nasrallah will not be rejoicing over us (Psalm 30)

This is an enormous victory. It’s a signal that not just Israel, but perhaps there is hope for Western civilization in the face of these monsters, in the face of these people who want to rejoice over our demise.

Here is my initial reaction to the news that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was eliminated in an Israeli air strike, along with many other Hezbollah and Iranian IRCG leaders.

The death of Hassan Nasrallah has been announced as a result of the airstrike by Israel yesterday on Hezbollah’s Beirut headquarters and underground bunker.

Obviously, this is a huge development. It’s a huge victory for Israel. It’s not the end of the conflict. I think there will be a lot more ahead, but it is a huge victory.

When I heard the news, the one thing I thought of is Psalm 30, which I’ve quoted a lot at the website for various reasons.

“I will exalt you, oh Lord, for you have raised me up, and you have not allowed my enemies to rejoice over me.”

And the reason I find that significant is that what was Nasrallah known for? The same thing that the Nazis were known for, the same thing that Hamas is known for, and frankly, the same thing that the protesters on campuses and in cities are known for.

They not only want to destroy the Jewish people, they want to mock us. They want to mock people and belittle them and humiliate them. An arrogance and a smugness that really was Nasrallah’s signature. He not only wanted to destroy Israel, he wanted to rejoice over it, just like our enemies, domestic and abroad want to not only destroy the Jewish people and the United States, they want to rejoice when doing it.

So that’s what came to mind. This is an enormous victory. It’s a signal that not just Israel, but perhaps there is hope for Western civilization in the face of these monsters, in the face of these people who want to rejoice over our demise.

Thank you, Bibi Netanyahu, thank you to the State of Israel for doing what frankly, the United States should have done long ago.

So that is my real feeling, that whatever happens from this point on, at least Hassan Nasrallah will not be rejoicing over us.


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BigRosieGreenbaum | September 28, 2024 at 11:07 am


My condolences to the alphabet media at this time.

AP news.

“Charismatic and shrewd: A look at longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Narallah”

I’d like to see commentary and analysis getting to the heart of what, exactly, is motivating these goose-stepping, vengeful and hate-filled Muslim terrorists, supremacists and Islamofascists, in their violence against Jews and Christians.

I’m not talking about the innumerable exhortations to violence against non-Muslims as an allegedly Divine imperative, that are contained in Submission’s doctrinal texts. Those tenets are obvious and problematic.

I’m talking about the underlying psychology that is animating these thugs.

In my mind, the desire to wage unmitigated and unrelenting violence against Jews and Christians in the middle east, specifically, but, also at-large, broadly, is about these Muslims’ resentments and insecurities regarding the fact that Submission is an offshoot of Judaism and Christianity. This is about Muslims’ quest for theological and historical supremacy, viewing the existence of Judaism and Christianity, and, Jews and Christians, as alleged threats to Submission’s theological supremacy and legitimacy.

This underlying psychology needs to be addressed.

    From a Biblical perspective, there is more than psychology involved.
    Human beings can do evil all by themselves…
    Really madness level evil takes inspiration and empowerment by supernatural forces we do not see.

    The devil hates the Jews and the Christians, because he hates their God and their Messiah/Savior.

    Tionico in reply to guyjones. | October 1, 2024 at 12:42 am

    what, exactly, is motivating these goose-stepping, vengeful and hate-filled Muslim terrorists,

    Here is THE answer to your question. Back in the first decade of the 1800’s, Thomas Jefferson, newly elected, was faced with a significant problem: America’s fledgling merchant fleet were being harassed, captured, sunk, destroyed, and their crews captured, tortured, enslaved. Not a good prospect for a nation beginning to find her way in the Big Wide World. This activity was significant along the northern coast of Africa. Jefferson had dispatched some small warships, most of what we had at the time (more were a-building, but not yet ready for service) Some skirmishes took place, nothing decisive.

    Jefferson felt he did not know enough to be able toeffecively deal with the problem, so he arranged to obtain a translation of their”book” thinking he could learn what were the driving forces and ideals of these people.
    He did. He understood that their driving force is simply to DOMINATE. Anyone, anywhere, for any reason, or no reason at all. He thus comprehended the key to ending their fighting: DOMINATE THEM. Apply such massive force against them, no quarter, and keep hammering until they either gave up and surrendered, or were utterly destroyed. Essentially, he understood he must push them until there is nowhere to go, no out, no quarter will be given.
    The new USS Cinstitution had just been launched, so she was despatched, along wth other navel vessels, to that area to simply make war on those pirates until they surrendered. After some time and hard losses, the pirate army pled for peace, but they wanted terms. Jefferson realised they were not really sufficiently “done” yet. He rejected their suit for peace, informing them UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER is the only option. It took them some while lnger to suffer enough to force them to sue for peace once more, this time accepting the total surrender terms. They realised Jefferson was committed to a permanet END to their hostilities.
    Jefferson did not want to dominate them, he only wanted to break their determination to dominate the US. He won only by dominating them completely.
    Tje reasoon the US have been so unsuccessful in dealing with these people is because we refuse to meet them on their terms, forcing them to cease their hostility toward us by dominating them, giving them no out.

    Israel had been content for far too long trusting US to take care of the problem. Our current (and mos recent) administrations have failed to stand up to them, seeking feel-good appeasement, talks”, etc
    This people are not the first ones to have come against Israel with a mind to utterly destroy her. . If you were to read their Book you would understand this. thus the have risen up, taking a string stand and now are engaged in systematically and utterly destroying this vicious enemy, knowing it is either that or be destroyed by them. It may well take a wjile for the message to hit home, but either that will happen or their tormentors will succeed in destroying them. And then move on to their next victim, and the next… how long until they visit US the same way? I really don’t want to know. Thus I heartily cheer on the Israelis as they take care of business appropriately.

    THAT is what motivates them, and what will stop them. Simple.

destroycommunism | September 28, 2024 at 12:38 pm

oh,, hes a bad guy??

the bbc wrote him up as a freedom fighter

and only made 1 mention of *A conflict* from oct 8 yeah…not the 7th but the 8th

On 8 October 2023 – the day after the unprecedented attack on Israel by Hamas gunmen that triggered the war in Gaza

and “hamas “gunman”

no muttterf this was a lynchmob rapemob that descended on innocent children

    Unfortunately we are seeing this madness level in the USA exposing itself on our college campuses, in the Democrat party and any place the Left controls. They are all God haters. Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

      Dakotah in reply to Dakotah. | September 28, 2024 at 2:40 pm

      This reply was meant for MDP regarding the Spiritual nature of this worldly conflict and not in reply to destroy communism. Sorry for the fat finger post.

ahad haamoratsim | September 28, 2024 at 3:17 pm

You might also want to check out Psalm 92.

Thank God for Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu

JackinSilverSpring | September 28, 2024 at 9:10 pm

Thank you Prof. Jacobson for this uplifting column.

The Almighty does not delight in the destruction of the wicked,
But He does delight in righteousness and the defense of the innocent.

Israel, f*** yeah!
Comin’ again to save the motherf***in’ day, yeah